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Though it only makes up approximately one percent of all cancers diagnosed within the United States*, the American Cancer Society® estimates that in 2016: About 15,690 esophageal cancer deaths will occur (12,720 in men and 2,970 in women) About 16,910 new cases of esophageal cancer will be diagnosed (13,460 in men and 3,450 in women) […]

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Digestive Healthcare Center (DHC) is hosting a nutritional seminar with Mary Ellen McCrea, MS, RD, CDE on the dos and don’ts of eating when living with the effects of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Light refreshments will be served.

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To our valued patients: We are temporarily having an issue with the Online Bill Pay Module on our website. If you need to pay an invoice, please call our billing office directly at 908-218-1616 and one of our staff members will gladly help you. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have the issue resolved soon. Thank you for your understanding.